In the realm of Ubuntu, capturing your screen is no longer a whimsical notion; it’s a practical reality. Ubuntu generously equips you with the means to accomplish this task, and the world of screen recording and capturing beckons for various purposes, from academic note-taking to preserving your gaming feats or troubleshooting guides. Ubuntu 22.04 seamlessly provides you with its default screen recording tool while also extending support to various third-party alternatives. The choice, dear user, is entirely yours. This guide will unveil both avenues.

Approach #1: Utilizing Ubuntu’s Default Recorder

Step 1: Access the Screenshot Tool

You can summon the screenshot tool through several avenues:

  1. By locating it in the applications menu;
  2. By hitting the “PRTSC” button on your keyboard;
  3. By pressing “CTRL+SHIFT+R” on your keyboard.

Step 2: Launch the Video Recording

Once you’ve activated the tool, click on the “video” icon, as depicted in the image below.

Step 3: Commence Recording

Upon selecting the video option, a conspicuous red button will appear. Click it to initiate the recording. You can choose your screen area selection by either clicking the “Selection” button for a specific part or the “Screen” button for the entire screen.

Step 4: Monitor the Recording

A timer will grace the top menu bar of the main window, signaling the ongoing recording.

Step 5: Halt and Save

Click the stop button to promptly halt the recording. Your system will automatically store it, as confirmed by the ensuing pop-up.

Recording Storage Location

Curious about where these screen recordings are stashed? They’re nestled within the “Screencasts” folder inside the Videos directory of your Home folder. The default recorder on Ubuntu stands as an appealing first choice.

Approach #2: Harnessing SimpleScreenRecorder

SimpleScreenRecorder is your ticket to high-quality, open-source screen recording on Linux-based systems, tailored for Ubuntu. It offers a user-friendly interface replete with customizable options. Let’s embark on the journey of installation and utilization.

Installing SimpleScreenRecorder on Ubuntu

Before installation, ensure your system’s packages are up to date with the command:

# apt update

Now, employ the command to install SimpleScreenRecorder on Ubuntu:

# apt install simplescreenrecorder

Execute these commands as a root user or utilize sudo privileges if necessary.

Recording with SimpleScreenRecorder

Step 1: Launch SimpleScreenRecorder

Begin your screen recording journey by invoking SimpleScreenRecorder from the terminal. Open your terminal and simply enter the command:


# simplescreenrecorder


Alternatively, if you prefer a more graphical approach, navigate to the applications menu. Search for SimpleScreenRecorder among your installed applications, and a few clicks will have it up and running, ready to capture your screen.

Step 2: Configure Input Profile

Now, let’s tailor your screen capture to your precise needs. You have a variety of “Input Profile” options at your fingertips:

  • “entire screen” allows you to capture the full expanse of your display;
  • “Record a fixed rectangle” empowers you to define a specific area of the screen for recording;
  • “Follow the cursor” is a nifty choice if you want your recording to track your cursor’s every move, among other possibilities.

Step 3: Customize Output Profile

Customize your “Output Profile” to ensure your recordings are just the way you want them. Take these actions:

  • Designate the save path where your recordings will be stored. Choose a location that suits your organizational preferences;
  • Pick your preferred file format, ensuring compatibility with your intended usage;
  • Delve into the array of other settings, all thoughtfully laid out in the accompanying image. These options grant you fine control over your recording’s quality and characteristics.

Once you’ve tailored your settings to perfection, simply click “Continue” to move forward with your recording adventure.

Step 4: Commence Recording

With your settings configured to your liking, it’s time to hit the proverbial “record” button. Click on “Start recording” in the following window, and your screen will be captured in all its glory. When you’re ready to conclude your recording masterpiece, just tap the “Save recording” button, and your newly minted creation will be securely stored in the location you specified earlier. Enjoy the power of SimpleScreenRecorder in effortlessly capturing your screen for a myriad of purposes.


In sum, Ubuntu generously equips its users with a seamless default screen recording tool, a versatile utility that effortlessly combines simplicity and immediacy. Whether you’re a seasoned Ubuntu user or a newcomer to the world of screen recording, this native tool makes the process intuitive and accessible. With multiple avenues to activate it, Ubuntu caters to diverse user preferences, ensuring that capturing your screen is a straightforward endeavor.

Moreover, for those seeking more advanced features and customization options, SimpleScreenRecorder stands as a widely embraced third-party alternative. By offering an open-source solution, it grants users greater flexibility and control over their screen recording endeavors. This guide has diligently unveiled the installation and usage of both the default and third-party tools, ensuring that you are well-equipped to embark on your screen capture adventures with confidence.

Whether you opt for the native simplicity of Ubuntu’s default recorder or the versatility of SimpleScreenRecorder, you now possess the tools and knowledge to capture screens for a myriad of purposes, be it educational, creative, or troubleshooting-related, to your heart’s content. Happy recording!