In the quest to immortalize moments on their Ubuntu screens, one might deem it impossible. However, Ubuntu has a nifty feature up its sleeve to cater to this exact need – screen recording and capturing.

Screen recording and capturing serve as essential tasks for various computer users, whether they’re students, avid gamers, or network administrators. These tasks come in handy when making study notes, documenting gaming sessions, or troubleshooting issues. Ubuntu 22.04, in particular, is well-equipped with its default screen recorder, and it also extends support to third-party recording solutions.

The choice is yours; this section will demonstrate how to record your screen using both the default tool of Ubuntu 22.04 and a third-party alternative.

Approach #1: Utilizing Ubuntu’s Default Screen Recorder

Ubuntu presents a versatile tool that combines screenshot and screen recording capabilities, and there are several methods to access and employ it. Here, we will list all the viable ways to launch and utilize this recorder.

  • Firstly, you can locate this multifaceted tool within the applications menu, offering a convenient graphical interface for quick access. Alternatively, for those who prefer keyboard shortcuts, Ubuntu provides two options: the “PRTSC” button for capturing screenshots and the “CTRL+SHIFT+R” shortcut for initiating recordings;
  • Furthermore, Ubuntu caters to diverse user preferences by allowing you to tailor your screen selection. You can either choose a specific region by clicking the “Selection” button or opt for the entire screen with a simple click on the “Screen” button.

This versatility ensures that Ubuntu’s default screen recorder seamlessly adapts to the user’s preferred workflow and method of interaction. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned user, Ubuntu’s user-friendly approach to screen capturing makes it accessible to all.

Step 1: Launching the Screenshot Tool

You can invoke the screenshot tool through various means:

  1. Locate it in the applications menu;
  2. Utilize the “PRTSC” button on your keyboard;
  3. Employ the “CTRL+SHIFT+R” keyboard shortcut.

Step 2: Accessing the Video Functionality

Once launched, simply click on the “video” icon, as illustrated in the image below.

Step 3: Initiating the Recording

After clicking the video button, you’ll notice a conspicuous red button. Click this button to commence recording.

You have two screen selection options:

  • Select a specific part of the screen by clicking the “Selection” button;
  • Opt for the entire screen by clicking the “Screen” button.

Step 4: Monitoring the Recording

Upon clicking the button, the recording process begins, indicated by a timer on the top menu bar of the main window.

Step 5: Concluding the Recording

To stop the recording, click the stop button. The recording will be instantly saved to your system, confirmed by a pop-up notification.

Where are the Screen Recordings Stored?

Screen recordings are saved within the “Screencasts” folder, which resides in the Videos directory of your Home folder, as depicted below.

The default Ubuntu recorder stands as an excellent choice for your screen capturing needs.

Approach #2: Opting for SimpleScreenRecorder on Ubuntu

SimpleScreenRecorder is a commendable, free, and open-source application designed for capturing videos of your computer screen on Linux-based systems. With a user-friendly interface and numerous customization options, it provides a means to record high-quality videos. Let’s first explore how to install it and then delve into its usage.

Installing SimpleScreenRecorder on Ubuntu

Before installation, ensure your system’s packages are up to date with the following command:

# apt update

Next, execute the command below to install SimpleScreenRecorder on Ubuntu:

# apt install simplescreenrecorder

Remember that these commands require root user privileges. If you’re not logged in as root, use the sudo command to execute them.

Recording Your Screen with SimpleScreenRecorder

Step 1: Launch SimpleScreenRecorder

You can initiate SimpleScreenRecorder either from the terminal using the command `# simplescreenrecorder` or by searching for it in the applications menu.

After launching, click the “Continue” button as displayed.

Step 2: Setting the Input Profile

Here, you can configure the “Input Profile” by choosing from the following options:

  • “entire screen” to capture the full screen or select a specific screen;
  • “Record a fixed rectangle” for a specific screen area;
  • “Follow the cursor” to record with the cursor, among other settings.

Step 3: Customizing the Output Profile

Once the “Input Profile” is set, you’ll encounter the “Output Profile” window. Customize it by specifying:

  • The save path for your video;
  • The file format;
  • Other relevant settings, as seen in the accompanying image. After configuring, click “Continue” to proceed.

Step 4: Commencing the Recording

In the subsequent window, click “Start recording” to initiate the recording process. To conclude the recording, click the “Save recording” button, and your recording will be saved in the location you previously selected. Upon stopping the recording, you can directly access the folder where the video is stored or return to the main recording interface.


This comprehensive guide has elucidated two approaches to screen recording on Ubuntu. The default screen recording tool stands out for its user-friendliness and efficiency, making it an ideal choice for those looking to swiftly capture moments on their screen without delving into intricate settings. With its intuitive interface and built-in functionality, it caters to users of all experience levels, ensuring a hassle-free recording experience.

On the other hand, the third-party solution, SimpleScreenRecorder, opens up a realm of possibilities for those seeking more control and customization in their screen recording endeavors. From selecting specific screen areas to fine-tuning output settings, SimpleScreenRecorder empowers users with advanced options to tailor their recordings to precise specifications.

After traversing this tutorial, you are now equipped with the knowledge and skills to confidently record your screen using both the default tool and the third-party application, SimpleScreenRecorder. Whether you prioritize simplicity or crave in-depth control, Ubuntu offers versatile solutions to meet your screen recording needs.