Yarn is an open-source package manager that simplifies the management of JavaScript runtime environments. It offers an efficient package management experience, streamlining the installation, updating, management, and uninstallation of npm packages through automation. With advanced features like package caching and parallel processing, Yarn significantly accelerates the installation process.

How to Install Yarn on Ubuntu 22.04

Let’s explore the step-by-step process of installing Yarn on Ubuntu 22.04:

Step 1: Update System Packages

Open your terminal and run the following command to ensure your system packages are up-to-date:

sudo apt update

Step 2: Verify CURL Installation Status

Confirm whether CURL is already installed on your Ubuntu 22.04 system by executing the following command:

curl –version

If CURL is not installed, you can install it using the following command:

sudo apt install curl

Step 3: Import Yarn GPG Key

Import the Yarn GPG key into your Ubuntu 22.04 machine by using the following “curl” command:

curl -sL https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add –

Step 4: Enable Yarn Repository

Activate the Yarn repository on your Ubuntu 22.04 machine with the following command:

echo “deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

Step 5: Install Yarn

Now, simply run the provided command to install the “Yarn” package manager:

sudo apt install yarn

Step 6: Verify Yarn Installation Status

To confirm the successful installation of Yarn, check the installed version by running the following command:

yarn –version

You should see the installed Yarn version displayed.

Why Choose Yarn for Your JavaScript Package Management?

When it comes to managing JavaScript packages, Yarn stands out as an efficient and reliable choice. With the ever-growing complexity of modern web development, having a robust package manager is essential. Yarn offers several compelling reasons to opt for it on your Ubuntu 22.04 system.

  1. Speed and Performance: Yarn is renowned for its speed. It leverages a global cache to store downloaded packages, reducing redundant downloads. This caching mechanism significantly accelerates installation and dependency resolution, making it a top choice for developers aiming to streamline their workflows;
  2. Predictable Dependency Management: Yarn employs a yarn.lock file that locks dependencies to specific versions, ensuring consistent and predictable behavior across different environments. This eliminates the notorious “works on my machine” scenario and minimizes compatibility issues;
  3. Parallel Installation: Yarn excels in parallel package installation, allowing multiple packages to be fetched simultaneously. This feature leverages your system’s capabilities, making the most of multi-core processors and further enhancing installation speed;
  4. Active Development: Yarn is actively developed and maintained by Facebook, which has a vested interest in its performance due to its use in various Facebook projects. This ensures that Yarn stays up-to-date with the latest industry standards and best practices;
  5. Strong Community Support: Yarn has gained a substantial following in the JavaScript development community. With a dedicated user base and widespread adoption, you’ll find ample resources, documentation, and community support when using yarn;
  6. Seamless Integration: Yarn integrates seamlessly with popular JavaScript tools and frameworks, such as npm packages and Babel. You can easily transition from npm to Yarn without major disruptions to your existing projects.
A person is engaged in programming

Comparison Table 

Package Installation SpeedFaster due to parallel installationsSlower as it installs packages serially
Dependency ResolutionUses a yarn.lock file for consistencyUses a package-lock.json file
Caching MechanismUtilizes a global cache for packagesEmploys a local cache per project
ConcurrencyFetches multiple packages concurrentlyFetches one package at a time
Deterministic BuildsAchieves deterministic dependenciesDependency versions can vary
Network EfficiencyEfficient network usageMore network requests during installs
Developer CommunityStrong and growingEstablished and extensive
Integration with Other ToolsWorks well with various toolsWidely supported but fewer integrations
Error MessagingDetailed and user-friendlyLess descriptive at times
Facebook-BackedDeveloped and maintained by FacebookUsed by many companies, not backed by one

Both Yarn and npm have their strengths and are suitable for different development scenarios. Yarn excels in terms of speed and predictability, making it an excellent choice for projects where these factors are crucial. On the other hand, npm is widely used and supported, making it a dependable option for a wide range of projects. The choice between the two ultimately depends on your specific project requirements and preferences.


In conclusion, choosing between Yarn and npm for managing JavaScript packages on your Ubuntu 22.04 system depends on your project’s specific needs and your personal preferences. Both package managers have their unique features and advantages.

Yarn is known for its speed and efficiency, thanks to parallel installations and advanced caching mechanisms. It provides a consistent package resolution with the help of the yarn.lock file, ensuring that your project’s dependencies remain consistent across different environments. Yarn’s strong community support and integration with various development tools make it a solid choice for many developers.

On the other hand, npm is a widely adopted package manager with a vast user base and extensive library of packages. While it may not be as fast as Yarn, it has made significant improvements in recent versions, and its dependency resolution with package-lock.json provides reliability. npm also offers a range of useful features and is a solid choice for many JavaScript projects.

Ultimately, whether you opt for Yarn or npm, you’ll be equipped with a capable package manager to streamline your JavaScript development process on Ubuntu 22.04. It’s essential to consider your specific project requirements and your familiarity with each tool when making your decision. Regardless of your choice, both Yarn and npm are valuable tools in the JavaScript ecosystem, helping you manage dependencies efficiently and effectively.