In Ubuntu, the terminal serves as a text-based interface that allows users to communicate with the operating system. Within this environment, one can access the shell, a program responsible for interpreting and executing user commands.

  • Clearing the Ubuntu terminal holds significance from both clarity and security perspectives. It enhances the readability of command output, especially when dealing with extensive text. In a cluttered terminal, it can be challenging to discern the results of recent commands, making it necessary to clear the screen for a fresh start;
  • Moreover, terminal clearing safeguards sensitive information that may have been visible in previous commands. When working with passwords, confidential data, or any sensitive input, executing the clear command ensures that this information isn’t left exposed in the terminal’s history. This practice is particularly crucial in shared environments, where multiple users access the same system. Clearing the terminal after each session or sensitive operation helps prevent any unintended exposure of confidential data.

Clearing the Ubuntu terminal is a fundamental practice for maintaining clarity in command output and protecting sensitive information, ensuring efficient and secure terminal operations. Whether you are a seasoned Linux user or a beginner, understanding how to clear the terminal is a valuable skill for optimizing your workflow and maintaining data privacy.

How to Clear the Terminal Screen on Ubuntu?

Clearing the Ubuntu terminal is essential for efficient operation. Here are different methods to achieve it:

  1. Using “$clear” Command: Enter `$ clear` and press enter to clear the terminal;
  2. Using “tput reset” Command: Execute `$ tput reset` to clear the terminal;
  3. Using “setterm -reset” Command: Clear terminal history with `$ setterm -reset`;
  4. Using “stty sane” Command: Similar to “clear,” use `$ stty sane` to clear the terminal;
  5. Advanced Option:Access the Menu in the top right corner. Select “Reset and Clear” in the Advanced tab.

These methods and commands offer various ways to clear the terminal.

How to Create a Custom Shortcut to Clear an Ubuntu Terminal?

Shortcuts in operating systems are instrumental for performing actions swiftly. To expedite terminal clearing, creating a shortcut is a convenient approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide on creating a shortcut to clear the terminal instantly:

Certainly, here are the additional 150 words detailing the steps to create a custom shortcut for clearing the Ubuntu terminal:

  1. Begin by opening the Ubuntu terminal swiftly using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+T. This direct access ensures efficiency in configuring your terminal preferences;
  2. Once the terminal is open, navigate to the “Preferences” option located in the Menu. Preferences serve as the gateway to customizing your terminal settings, making it a vital starting point;
  3. Within the “Preferences” menu, locate the “Shortcuts” section and then select the “Terminal” category. This step is pivotal as it directs you to the specific settings related to terminal shortcuts;
  4. As you delve into the “Terminal” tab, keep an eye out for the “Reset and Clear” option. This is the command you want to enable to create a shortcut for clearing the terminal contents;
  5. Enabling the “Reset and Clear” option will activate the “New accelerator” setting. Here, you have the opportunity to define a unique and personalized shortcut key directly from your keyboard. Consider using combinations like CTRL+R or any other key combination of your preference to streamline the terminal clearing process.

By following these five straightforward steps, you can craft a tailored shortcut, optimizing your Ubuntu terminal experience for efficiency and ease of use. This empowers you to clear the terminal swiftly and maintain an organized workspace, enhancing your productivity and overall user experience.

This enables you to create a personalized shortcut key for clearing the terminal. Note that using a key combination other than the default ones, such as CTRL+C and CTRL+S, is recommended.


In conclusion, ensuring a clean and secure terminal environment in Ubuntu is essential for efficient and secure computing. The terminal, being a command-line interface, plays a pivotal role in interacting with the operating system, and keeping it clutter-free is paramount.

  • Throughout this article, we’ve explored various methods to clear the Ubuntu terminal. From the straightforward “clear” command to more advanced options like “tput reset,” “setterm -reset,” and “stty sane,” each approach offers users flexibility in maintaining a tidy workspace. Additionally, we’ve discussed creating custom shortcuts, empowering users to expedite the terminal-clearing process;
  • Clearing the terminal not only improves readability, particularly when dealing with extensive command outputs, but it also safeguards sensitive information, an especially crucial aspect in shared computing environments;
  • By following these methods and incorporating custom shortcuts, Ubuntu users can streamline their terminal operations and enhance their overall computing experience. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced user, the ability to efficiently clear the terminal is a valuable skill that contributes to a more organized and secure workflow.

In essence, this article has provided a comprehensive guide to managing and optimizing the Ubuntu terminal, ensuring that users can harness its full potential while maintaining the highest standards of clarity and security in their computing endeavors.